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CrossFit Delmon Annual Beach Clean Up


When we came together for our first CFD beach clean up last year we collected over 60 big bags of rubbish that would have otherwise ended up polluting the environment and threatening marine life around Bahrain. It was a fun and rewarding day for everyone who came along which is why we're teaming up with Bahrain Beachcombers to do it all again!


No need to register this time and the event is open to all so bring your family and friends along to join us in doing our bit to help keep Bahrain's beaches clean.


The Details


Date: Friday 28 February


Time: 9am-11am (no problem if you can't make it for the whole time)


Location: Nurana Island, Karranah

(Location pin,50.505502&hl=en-GB&gl=uk&shorturl=1)


Click here ( for a video of the route from UpTown Village on Budaiya Highway.    


Meeting point: The beach will be divided into sections so we can keep things organized and cover as much ground as possible. When you arrive, please come to the registration point at the entrance of Nurana Island (look for the CFD and Beachcombers banners). Once you've been assigned to a section, you can pick up some rubbish bags from the registration desk then walk or drive to your spot and get stuck in. Each section will be marked with a flag.


What to bring with you:


  • Family & friends - all are welcome!

  • Water (in a reusable bottle if possible so we can avoid adding to the problem we're trying to tackle!)

  • Hat/Sunscreen

  • Closed shoes (in case of glass or other sharp objects)

  • Gardening/thick gloves (optional but recommended)


Rubbish bags will be provided by CFD.


When You're Done


Once you've finished cleaning your section, please make sure the bags are tied up and leave them on the side of the road for easy collection, then pat yourselves on the back for a job well done! The Beachcombers team will collect all bags at the end of the clean up.


Beach Cleaning Tips


Please do:


  • Pick up plastic bottles, nylon string, nets, cans, bottles, cigarette butts, pieces of plastic or foil

  • Tie the bags up after filling and place on the side of the road for easy collection

  • Work in pairs if it's windy, with one person holding the bag and the other collecting rubbish. This makes it much easier and stops rubbish flying out of the bags.


Please don't:


  • Pick up wood, food, broken glass, sharp pieces of metal or other sharp objects that might break the bag

  • Overfill bags, only fill with as much rubbish as one person can carry and leave enough space to tie them up

  • Wear your favorite new clothes or shoes - it can get a bit hot and messy!


A big thank you to CFD member Darren Schneider from Bahrain Beachcombers for all of his help in organizing this event.


We look forward to seeing you there!

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