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Welcome to WOD Mayhem 2019

Bringing you the Individual comp both RX'd and Scaled this year, WOD Mayhem is bigger, better, and community fueled!

WOD Mayhem is a 2 day annual fitness competition, brought to you by CrossFit Delmon.


This year, the competition will be held on the 11th and the 12th of January 2019, at the Water Garden City, Bahrain.


We have expanded our competition accommodate more athletes with  2 Categories, individual, both RX'd and Scaled.


Athlete check-in is scheduled on Thursday 10th of January at 5:30 pm, you will receive your athlete shirts, plus an athlete photo will be taken, briefing is scheduled at 7:30 pm.


Competition is scheduled to start at 9 am, and finish at 8 pm on both days.




First Place RX'd: $1200

Second Place RX'd: $800

Third Place RX'd:: $500



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